30 Voluntary HIV Tester at Njombe Region

The Njombe Regional Commissioner’s Office, in collaboration with the USAID Afya Yangu (My Health) Southern Project, is implementing initiatives to combat HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis across all councils in Njombe Region.

Applications are invited for a 10-month temporary position from qualified Tanzanians in the health field. Successful candidates will work in Health Service Delivery Centers in the councils of Njombe Region.

The advertised positions are as follows:

Voluntary HIV Testers – 30 Positions

(Njombe Town – 7, Makambako Town – 1, Njombe Rural – 8, Makete – 3, Ludewa – 5, Wanging’ombe – 6)

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Duties and Responsibilities

1.Educate and raise awareness about HIV Testing Services (HTS), including counseling on HIV prevention, treatment, and general health practices.
2.Perform HIV testing for clients’ sexual partners following the 5 principles of HIV testing: confidentiality, counseling, consent, correct results, and connection to care and treatment.
3.Reach out to clients’ sexual partners, shared injection equipment users, and biological parents of HIV-positive children for HIV testing services.
4.Ensure linkage and referral for HIV prevention services such as condom distribution, self-testing kits, Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) services, and Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC).
5.Conduct quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) for HIV testing kits at health facilities.
6.Safeguard HIV testing supplies and ensure timely procurement of necessary materials.
7.Maintain accurate testing and referral records using logs, registers, and reports.
8.Prepare and submit daily, weekly, and monthly HIV testing reports, ensuring data is accurately entered into DHIS2.
9.Collaborate with supervisors and stakeholders for proper implementation of HIV-related activities.
10.Actively participate in National HIV Testing initiatives and improvement plans.

Expected Targets

1.Ensure 98% HIV testing acceptance for new clients, clients with high viral loads, and those returning to care.
2.Identify and test at least two sexual partners per client.
3.Test 98% of identified sexual partners and biological children of HIV-positive clients.
4.Achieve daily and monthly HIV testing targets, including self-testing and PrEP referrals.

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants must:

  1. Hold a Form Four (O-Level) certificate and a certificate/diploma in Nursing, Clinical Medicine, or Laboratory Sciences.
  2. Possess a valid professional license; applicants with HIV testing certification will have an added advantage.
  3. Have at least six months of experience working in care and treatment centers within Njombe Region.
  4. Be proficient in problem-solving and data analysis.
  5. Communicate fluently in English and Kiswahili.
  6. Be of high integrity and capable of working under minimal supervision.
  7. Maintain confidentiality and handle government documents securely.
  8. Be skilled in using Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
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General Condition

1.Attach a certified copy of your birth certificate.
2.Submit a detailed CV with reliable contact information and references.
3.Include certified copies of academic certificates.
4.False information will lead to legal action.
5.Applications can be submitted by hand, post, or email.
6.Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
7.Public servants are not eligible to apply.
8.Volunteers must submit their applications through their supervisors.
9.Application deadline: 24 January 2025.


This voluntary position is funded by the USAID Afya Yangu (My Health) Southern Project, with a monthly stipend of TSH 400,000/=.

For more information, please contact the Njombe Regional Office.

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Regional Commissioner’s Office, Njombe
8 Regional Road No. 2,
Lunyanywi Street,
P.O. Box 668,
59180 Njombe.

Email: rc@njombe.go.tz, ras@njombe.go.tz, ras.njombe@tamisemi.go.tz
Website: www.njombe.go.tz
Phone: (026) 2782912 / 2782913 / 2782914

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